Anna Oliver

Distance Appointments Only

"The mind creates the abyss,
the heart crosses it."
~ Sri Nisargadatta
All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE.
If you cancel or miss your appt, all fees & deposits are forfeited. No exceptions.
If you are 15 mins late to your appt, you are considered a no-show and your deposit or payment is forfeited.
You may reschedule with 48 hrs notice and apply your deposit to the new appt.
Same day appointments are NOT available.
Availability is not guaranteed.
Exceptions in availability are only made for Death Walking clients. Please contact me.
Thank you for honouring my time and practice.
Client Acknowledgement and Consent to Receive Services:
I understand that Anna Oliver, Shamanic Counselor & Practitioner, is not a licensed physician and that shamanic healing services are not licensed by the state. I understand that Anna Oliver does not diagnose conditions nor prescribe or perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of any licensed medical professional. None of the services Anna Oliver performs take the place of medical care. It is recommended that the client see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment that may be present. Shamanic sessions do not replace psychiatric care or psychotherapy. It can complement any medical or psychological care the client may be receiving and is only one component of a holistic healthcare plan. I understand it is my responsibility to maintain a relationship for myself/ my child (under 18 yrs) with a medical doctor. I understand that I am solely responsible for my own decisions and that Anna Oliver is not liable for any choices I make.