Anna Oliver

Photo credit: Kelley Barry
“You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it's better to listen to what it has to say.”
~ Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
I am a certified Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher and Counselor who uses Journeying (trance meditation) to access the Spiritual Realms in service of my clients. This ancient, sacred method provides detailed guidance, spiritual healing and vivid imagery from Spirit. I also teach people how to journey for themselves and to develop their own practice.
My psychic abilities are inherited through the generations, going back to my great-grandmother who came from Croatia and was a well-known psychic in her community. These natural abilities have been strengthened through my long-term meditation practice and combine well with my shamanic work as a useful tool.
While not a comprehensive list of my shamanic work and trainings, I specialize in working with Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels, Power Animal Retrieval, Soul Retrieval, Divination, Dream work, those in transition (Death walking), Extraction & Illumination, plus locating & conducting lost souls (Psychopomp) and deceased loved ones. I also offer Depossession work. I have trained with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, founded by the late Dr. Michael Harner. Dr. Michael Harner passed away in 2018. I am grateful for his incredible gifts and work. I have done all my FSS courses with Dana & Shana Robinson. I am also a Shamanic Counselor certified in the Harner Shamanic Counseling Method and was honoured to learn from Dr. Sandra Harner, co-founder of the FSS. I have apprenticed with a Siberian Shaman in Depossession, Soul Retrieval, Extraction & Illumination and other methods who passed away in 2018. I am deeply grateful to her for her wisdom and love. I trained in Compassionate Depossession with Betsy Bergstrom and also with Dana & Shana Robinson of Shaman Tracks. I am a certified Soul Retrieval practitioner through Sandra Ingerman and I graduated from her 2 year Teacher Training program. I also trained with Cindy O'Connor, Susan Rossi and Katherine Wood. I am very fortunate to be part of a remarkable group of practitioners and teachers in Sandra Ingerman's worldwide network.
I also teach Meditation in private sessions, group classes and retreats. Please check my Facebook page for current and upcoming events.
I live and practice in Seminole Heights, Tampa, Florida. I love this historic neighborhood filled with bungalows, grandfather oaks and friendly, open-minded people. Much of my free time is spent with my friends and sweet kitties. I lead a simple, quiet, happy life. I am humbled by the love and support of family, friends and my courageous clients. My gratitude is deep and my devotion unwavering for everyone that makes my unusual, beautiful life possible. Namaste.